Jock Tamsons Gairden is a wonderful project to be a part of. If you would like to help by making a donation through our Just Giving link that would be hugely appreciated.
These are some of the things your donation will enable us to get.
£1.50: pair of gloves for a volunteer
£5.00: a bag of seed compost or 50 metres of twine, enough seeds
for 1000 lettuces, long-lasting eco-friendly seed tray
£10.00: half a kilo of rocket seed, enough spring onion seed for
the whole year, enough sweet pea seeds for 200 plants, one hand
fork, one trowel, one pair of knee pads
£15.00: six weeks of biological control (organically approved) slug
protection for 50m2 beds
£20.00: garden rake, secateurs.
£45.00: wheelbarrow
£125.00: a gardening activity session for 6 people with health issues or support needs

Have you considered leaving a bequest to Jock Tamson’s Gairden in your will?
Such generosity will help ensure the work of Jock Tamson’s Gairden continues after you are gone.
We are extremely grateful to you for considering this.
There is a bequest form here